Tuesday, June 8, 2010

25th May to 8th June 10

Tuesday 25th May 10

We treated this as a day of rest after yesterdays hike.

Wednesday 26th May 10

Whilst in Hobart 10 years ago we didn’t do the tour of the Cadbury factory. Now they do not do tours of the factory for commercial and health reasons but we did go to the Cadbury visitor centre at the factory at a cost of $7.50 each. We had a bar of chocolate thrust into our hands along with some of the small snack bars, and escorted to a lecture room where the 15 minute lecture was about to start. This was both very interesting and humorous despite the interruptions from an uncontrolled toddler. Unfortunately, in this day and age, the parent would probably ended up in court and possible prison if appropriate measures had been taken, which is why we all had to suffer the brats noisy behaviour. The most interesting point of the talk was the fact that the cocoa powder only tastes good after the oil is squeezed out, and then a very small amount of the oil removed from the cocoa bean has to be returned along with sugar and milk to produce the smoothness of the chocolate. More interesting is the fact that the huge remainder of oil has sugar and milk added to it to become white chocolate. We then went to the tasting room after being given more snack bars and tasted the raw cocoa as used by ancient Aztecs for medicinal purposes. It is better to go back to work than take the medicine so its medicinal purposes are strong and taste foul. We then tasted white chocolate that we both think is also foul, then regular milk chocolate which we no longer enjoy the way we used to, and then the dark chocolate that we really enjoy. From the tasting room every one is free to use the canteen facility and/or the shop that offers all of their products at reduced prices. A regular 200 gram bar is about $1 cheaper than in Woolworths at $2.99 but packs of 3 x 200 gram bars that have small slits in the foil from the packaging process and now packed in cellophane are only $6. We came away with $34 worth plus the 2 free bars on the way in and another 2 free bars on the way out and the 8 snack bars. The cheaper prices, so long as you buy something, and the freebies more than adequately reimburses your entry fee so long as you like chocolate, but why would you visit the place if you didn’t.

Thursday 27th May, Friday 28th May 10

Nothing interesting to report

Saturday 29th May 10

We came across an advert for a caretaker that must have his/her own motor home, or caravan which is exactly us, to look after a house without living in it, and caring for their dog. Consequently we move the van into their large back garden on Monday and live there for 3 months whilst they spend the winter in Queensland. The only cost to us is for power and water usage at a sensible agreed rate, which will make it a very cheap stay in Hobart for the winter. We had planned to head north to Georgetown for the winter at a cost of $135 a week but will now be down to around $40 a week.
It is only a three minute drive away from Stu and Be who we had arranged to visit in the afternoon for a farewell cup of coffee as it was supposed to be a goodbye visit until we return to Hobart after the winter but it turned into a good news (you don’t get rid of us that easy) visit.

Sunday 30th May 10

We had another day of rest despite moving tomorrow as there is no need to be out by any given time and we are only moving 7km to the next suburb. It is quite cold so we watched some recorded TV to clear some space on the the hard drive.

Monday 31sth May 10

We packed up the camp and moved to Newtown where it took a while to reverse the van into the garden as the drive has 2 gateways which don't line up and is quite narrow, and as always, the rest of the town want to drive down the road and get past you as you do it. We did eventually get everything into place and settled in nicely and in the afternoon walked to the local shopping centre about ten minutes away.

Tuesday 1st June10

Lazed around but did take Foxy and Binji (the house owner’s dog) for a 30 minute return walk down to the beach on the Derwent River which was the furthest Binji had walked for a long time and had to stop and rest his tubby body a few times on the way back.

Wednesday 2nd June 10

We spent most of the day getting rid of a computer virus.

Thursday 3rd June 10

We took the same walk as Tuesday but without Binji so that we could walk further along the side of the Derwent River towards Hobart, past numerous old boatsheds. At the point where the walking track ends, Merry crossed the railway and returned along the cycle track and Barry backtracked along the walking track as dogs are not allowed on the cycle track.

Friday 4th June 10 and Saturday 5th June 10

Nothing significant to report

Sunday 6th June 10

Merry went to the Hobart fruit and vegetable Market with Diane (the house owner)to check out the produce and determine whether to use it again, and came home with a heap of scotch fillet and a rabbit (prepared for eating) which we have not tasted for years and some vegies, but not all it from the market.

Monday 7th June 10 and Tuesday 8th June 10

Nothing to report and whilst we are here in Hobart for the winter there will not be too much happening. Despite the 3 degree night time temperatures we are suviving the climate reasonably well. The weather forcasts have mentioned the possibility of snow on Mt Wellington but it hasn't happened yet.