Saturday, January 30, 2016

7th October 2015 to 30th January 2016

7th October 2015
We have now started going to the Community Centre again on a Wednesday morning to attend the gentle gym sessions now that we are back from Singapore and Merry’s foot seems to have recovered.  We took a long walk yesterday that didn’t cause her foot a problem so we assume it is fully recovered from whatever its problem was.
9th October 2015
We attended the Friday morning gym session and then moved on to Bunning’s to price some wood to make a cabinet to fit on the back of the kitchen cabinet under the so-called breakfast bar that we never use as such.  We came away empty handed to rethink the design with what they have available.
10th October 2015
Today we have planted capsicum, sweet corn and beetroot now that the weather has warmed up plus we don’t exactly know why but we have some more potatoes coming through.  We must have cut some and left pieces behind when we dug out the last lot.  The tomatoes that self planted are still producing well whereas the Roma plants that we planted are nearly finished, but we had a good crop, although on the small side.  Radishes have gone mad and we just can’t eat, or give them away, quick enough as we should have started using them about the time we went to Singapore rather than three weeks later but some are still usable. We still have some Brussel sprouts  although they are small but the cabbages were almost destroyed by avids and snails and we only managed a couple of usable cauliflower, so in future will stick to broccoli which seems to do okay in this area.  The cover that we had over all of the broccoli, cauliflower and cabbage allowed them all to grow to a good size but tended to keep the Cabbage white butterfly in, rather than out, and made no difference to the avids.
12th October 2015
Spent some time modifying the reticulation system to the vegie garden so that it all gets a much better soaking plus we have put a 300mm fence around the centre vegie bed so that we can use snail pellets without the risk of Foxy getting to them.   We will be doing same with the other beds after we have finished modifying the reticulation system.   Barry has also started a continuation of the veranda paving around the side of the house where the water tanks are situated.  This will give nicer access to the tank tap when we need to top up the fish pond.
13th October 2015
The reticulation is now completed with the exception of one possible alteration and the paving at the side of the house has progressed.  All of the Brussel sprouts and cabbages have been removed and passed through the mulcher was going to be dug back in but Merry put it all into the composter to end that scenario.
31st October 2015
Nothing of note to report in the last few weeks except there has still not been any rain despite the overcast weather, however, the vegies are still doing well without the rain as the modified reticulation is doing a good job.  We have arranged to go to Perth for Christmas this year rather than staying here, so we will be staying with Ann and Ashley as usual but will have Christmas Day with Colleen, Craig and the girls and Boxing Day with Ann and Ashley as they will be at Ashley’s daughters place on Christmas Day.  Richard will be joining us at Colleen’s for Christmas Day.  Colleen and Craig usually go camping way down south for the rest of the holidays with a group of friends although the style of camping changed to camper trailers and some have now graduated to caravans.  Colleen has been working on that update for a while but it hasn’t happened yet.
November 22nd 2015
Another period with nothing special to report other than the garden is producing well.
January 4th 2016
As we drove down to Perth to Ann/Ashley’s place and then spent Christmas Day including dinner with Craig, Colleen, Emma, Abby and Richard which worked out good.  This gave Barry several hours with Emma teaching her to play ‘Unchained Melody’ on her guitar as she takes her guitar to their camp performs around the campfire.  She has a few songs that she sings but they are all so-called modern songs that we know nothing about, whereas Barry is teaching her tunes he knows and plays that she likes, such as ‘Stranger on the Shore’, ‘Memory’ from the Cats show, ‘Theme from Exodus’, ‘Apache’ ‘Eye of the tiger’ ‘Chariots of Fire’ and many more from that era.  Emma is learning very quickly and because Barry introduced her to ‘House of the rising sun’ and how to play it classical finger style she now uses that style for most of her playing.  Barry claims she plays better than he could after a twenty year head start, but she has the advantage of tutorial information, etc, on the internet.
 We then had another Christmas dinner with Ann/Ashley on Boxing Day.  We also spent New Year’s Eve and day with Ann/Ashley before returning to Geraldton on the 3rd January.
14th January 2016
We travelled back down to Ann and Ashley’s for Merry’s six monthly throat check-up.  
15th January 2016
We had dinner at Outback Jack’s in Cannington along with Richard and Rory, Colleen, Craig, Abby and Emma.  This was a chance to catch up with Rory who was on holiday with Richard as she goes home in a couple of days’ time.  Jack didn’t come to Perth with Rory this time as he now has a girlfriend so life has to pear shaped (change) for him, but saved his dad an airfare.  Unfortunately nobodies meal matched the quality of the company which seemed strange as the meal in Outback Jack’s in Northbridge that we had a few months ago was really good.  Richard has had several meals in the Cannington outlet recently that he claimed were good, so maybe we just picked a bad day.  We followed this up with a walk along the Swan River bank in South Perth to walk the meal off and enjoy both the walk and the view across the river at the lights before heading back to Ann and Ashley’s.
16th January 2016
We met Richard, Rory, Colleen, Abby and Emma at Lake Leschenaultia for lunch and a swim for those that were interested, which turned out to be Richard, Rory and Merry only.  The day was cut short when a storm blew in with some close lightning that cleared the lake quite quickly.
17th January 2016
Richard gave us a call when he got home from seeing Rory off at the airport and Barry drove up to his place to collect the sleeping bags, airbeds, pump and gas cooker that we had lent him so that he and Rory could go camping if they chose, but the 36+ degree temperatures didn’t encourage that.  One of the airbeds was necessary anyway for Rory to use whilst at Richard’s place.  Merry went with Ann to the Joondalup Shopping Centre for an inspection as it is now supposedly the largest shopping centre in the Perth and suburbs area.
18th January 2016
We drove up to Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital for the throat check which proved to be okay with Merry being told the swelling was still going down, which is excellent seeing as she was not aware of any swelling.  In the afternoon we successfully took the 6km walk around Bibra Lake.  Last time we tried that it rained about a quarter of the way round.
19th January 2016
Once again we have returned to Geraldton from Ann and Ashley’s via the Indian Ocean Drive, but this time without a 20km detour around road works.
30th January 2016
Not much to report of note other than all is well and that the Indian Ocean Drive that we use for our trips to Perth is currently closed due to a bushfire in the area.  Apart from that the only other thing is the strange weather that we have had for the last fortnight that has been more like Singapore, overcast, steamy and hot, and probably will not improve for a while with the Pilbara area due to have a cyclone arrive tomorrow which will spread more cloud our way.  Not real good for the solar panels.
The photo of Harbourside in Singapore is to show the Sumatra smoke and one of the taller towers, not sure which one,  is were our son Garon and wife Sue live on the fourth floor.  This was an experiment as the Picaso program hasn't been letting me put pictures in for several years now, unless I would like to pay for storage room.  That will not happen.