Thursday, April 18, 2013

1st April to 17th April 2013

1st April 2013
Garon took Colleen, Craig, Emma and Abby to the airport after a huge farewell roast dinner.  Apparently the flight back was better than the one coming here, and they arrived intact.
2nd April 2013
The weather has now turned cold and wet but at least Colleen and Co don’t have to suffer it.  Garon and Sue have returned to work and left us at home alone once more.  Merry has now been informed of a date (11th April) for a PET scan and another CT scan.
3rd April 2013
Barry contacted an arbourist to check out the neighbour’s tree for a quote to get rid of it as it is a treat to Garon and Sue’s house, but he didn’t turn up.
4th April 2013
Barry contacted some more arbourists to check out the tree but could only get one to come tomorrow and left a message to ring back with the other.  The original one from yesterday has come today with a final result of $1950.
5th April 2013
The second arbourist came this afternoon and is somewhat dearer at $2750 so we can guess who will get the job on the assumption the neighbour is willing to go ahead.
6th April 2013
Garon and Sue approached their neighbour with the quotes for removing his tree and also replacing the rotting fence, and were pleasantly surprised that he agreed to both projects.  He has agreed to go halves on the fence which Garon and Barry will replace to cut the cost.   Fortunately it never got to the stage were Garon had to offer to pay half as incentive towards its removal, so it is assumed the neighbour will bear all of that cost as it is his tree.  Garon had been willing to share that cost purely to remove the treat to his house as more than half is already hanging over his side of the fence and it is a very tall tree leaning his way.  We will wait until the tree is removed before attacking the fence in case we disturb the tree roots and bring it down prematurely in one hit.  Apparently he is going away for a few weeks so the projects will be on hold for that period.
7th April 2013
Garon and Sue took a drive along the coast and found a spot for a picnic whilst we drove out to Karokook Park and took Foxy for a 1.8km walk around the lake.
8th April 2013
Barry started to sand the wooden bridge floor between the bedrooms and bathroom and was then joined by Merry to assist along the edges and do the vacuuming to keep the dust under control.  This is being done to re- treat the floor because a roof leak damaged an area some time ago.  The leak was fixed but the wooden floor was left looking sad.  As Garon and Sue will be moving to Perth soon it needs to be done prior to either renting or selling, and we just happen to be here at the right time to help sort out some of the tasks.
9th and 10th April 2013
We continued with the sanding using Garon’s orbital sander.
11th April 2013
Barry continued with the sanding only today we hired an industrial floor sander and a belt sander and made a huge impression and gave us the chance of getting the job finished.  Merry went up to the Hospital for her PET scan which is designed to ascertain whether there are any more cancer problems within her anywhere which could be the originators of the two cancers that she has now produced  or whether they may the originators of others.  It turns out that there are no more signs of any others cancers anywhere else so all is good, and her radiation treatment starts in a few weeks time. 
12th April 2013
We finalised sanding of the edges  and cleaned up before heading out to Steve and Terry’s at Woodend for the weekend to give Garon and Sue the chance to coat the stairs and landing with a sati polyester finish.  This requires three coats and 16 hour in between coats.  That would have put the upstairs bedroom and bathroom (ours) out of reach which is why we went to Steve and Terry’s.
13th April 2013
Steve drove us up to Bendigo to visit the Aldi supermarket to buy a $49 ereader which includes a protective case and is also a calendar, calculator and FM radio, plays videos, music and photos as well as being a book reader.  It has a four Gig on board memory and a mini SD card slot to take a 32 gig card.
14th April 2013-04-15
Steve drove us to Sunbury to visit Big W shopping centre to buy a 32 gig mini SD card to enlarge the memory of the new ereader that we bought yesterday in Bendigo.
16th April 2013
We drove back to Garon and Sue’s and were pleased to see the final results of the 5five and a half days of sanding with the new coating were well worth the effort despite there being a few bits that could have been a little better.
17th April 2013
We bought some flywire screening and replaced the flywire in the lounge front window and have enough on the roll to do the side lounge window tomorrow and will buy another roll for two upstairs windows.  This will avoid any potential tenants from complaining about the screens when Garon ad Sue are in WA and have to get the agent to hire somebody to do it.