Wednesday, July 31, 2013

14th July to 31st July 2013

14th July 2013

We had a rainy night and now another drizzly day with a breeze so Barry and Foxy haven’t gone on the usual 40 minute morning walk and are hopeful that the weather will clear enough to let them do the shorter circuit with Merry.  Meanwhile, Merry will play with her new toy and attempt to transfer her books, and audible books to it, whilst Barry continues to watch the test match even though one excuse for an umpire has already ensured England’s victory.  Apparently the English can’t be caught out if the ball nearly knocks the bat out of their hands.
22nd July 2013
Due to weather conditions we have done little other than necessary shopping with Barry and Foxy having a few walks with Steve and Badger.   The pathetic cricketing display by Australia hasn’t helped cheer us up.  There appeared to be sufficient ex-Aussie cricketers in the audience that played in previous Ashes test matches to form a better team than we now have.  Even when Ponting’s team lost the Ashes they put up a better display.  Having mentioned the Ashes, we are currently only about a 30 minute drive from the birthplace of the Ashes ‘Sunbury’ where the stately mansion still stands but is now part of a school with school kids playing on the original pitch.  Perhaps our current team should return and practise with them to find out how to do it.  We can’t imagine why they dragged the English team all the way out to Sunbury to play cricket rather than play in Melbourne, and are amazed that the weather allowed it to happen, unless it was a very short game.  We can’t get enough dry weather on any single day to get our washing dry, but this is our typical Victorian winter.  If they played in the summer they may have gained a few hours of sunshine.
23rd July 2013
 We tried unsuccessfully to have Merry’s prescription for Saline solution filled at the local pharmacy but they offered us an equivalent option at a ridiculous price.  We determined that it would be cheaper to go into Melbourne on the train and get it from the Hospital pharmacy which would also give us a bit of a day out and also let us get a haircut at a better price.  This worked out good for us as we had acquired MYKI cards for train travel on the Metro train to travel to the hospital from Garon and Sue’s place, but with them returning to WA and us moving to Woodend the $50 available on our cards was not going to get used as they where only good as far as Sunbury.  However, last Thursday the MYKI card equipment was activated at Woodend and became usable for travel to Sunbury and Melbourne, or Bendigo in the other direction, which is much cheaper than using our car and has no parking problems.  Merry managed the three flights of stairs to get out of Parliament Station and the 10 minute walk to the Hospital without a problem.  When we returned to the station we passed straight through to Burke Street and used a tram to Elizabeth Street to get the haircuts and lunch in the Galleria shopping centre.  We then used a tram to continue on to Southern Cross Station to get the V-Line Bendigo train back to Woodend.
24th July 2013
We took Foxy for a slightly longer walk than Merry has been taking to continue building up her fitness.  In the afternoon we went with Steve and Terry to Kyneton but only for shopping and a short drive around the outskirts of the town to see some of the old buildings.
27th July 2013
The weather hasn’t been good for more walks but has improved marginally today.  We drove to Trentham along with Steve, Terry and Sue for them to visit a rather large nursery for some vegetable plantings, but whilst in the area stopped for lunch.  Lunch was in the quaint old bakery which ahd a nice atmosphere and was tucked away down a laneway but was still very busy.  On the corner of the laneway was a shop that had every size of every item that you wouldn’t want in your home.  It was great for a 10 minute drowse but we can’t imagine anyone buying anything.  After all, who needs a Dalek, a larger than life, moulded plastic, gorilla or any other plastic animal or imitation dynamite complete with electronic timer?  The village itself requires a thorough check out as it had a lot of appeal plus we want to visit the Trentham Falls where we visited some years ago, so we will return when Merry is more able to walk for longer distances and the weather warmed up.  Trentham is higher than Woodend and therefore colder.
28th July 2013
Merry accompanied Barry, Steve and the dogs on their morning walk but shortened it slightly towards the end by taking a short cut.  It still took nearly an hour which is a really good walk for Merry.  She hasn’t been eating as well as she had for the last 4 to 5 days because she feels permanently full so we are hoping the walking may change that.   We phoned Abby to wish her a happy birthday and to find out how she is recovering from her appendix operation, which is all good.
29th July 2013
We had a really good short, sharp thunder storm last night and when you are already up in the clouds that are making the noise it get real loud.    Nothing of interest happening other than Barry replacing an add-on reversing light as the previous one chose to give up the ghost.  We have an add-on reversing light as the Nissan Patrol only has one regular one on the left hand side, and that is fairly well covered by the spare wheel on the dual spare wheel carrier so people behind us can’t see that we are reversing unless they are to the left of us.  Now you have to be blind not to notice as the new one is brighter than the previous one that we fitted whilst in Hobart three years ago.
30th July 2013
The weather has changed to cool but sunny so we packed a lunch and drove through Trentham and on to Daylesford with the intention of checking out Daylesford, and then return to Trentham for a walk around the village, plus visit the falls on the way back.  Daylesford turned out to be much bigger than we expected plus Merry was starting to feel somewhat weary and nauseas, so after a quick look at Daylesford Lake and a drive back through the town we headed home and had our picnic lunch there.  We will try again another day.  We have already been warned by Merry’s specialist that it will probably be a year before she is anything like her former self.  With that in mind, we have decided to return to our home in Geraldton when the tenancy agreement expires in November.  We are basically at a standstill until we see the specialist again in September when we expect Merry to be cleared and able to move on.  We will then meander back to WA  as we can’t take on climbs into waterfalls, walk through gorges, do heritage walks through towns and villages, etc, that take several hours of walking and/or climbing that we have been accustomed to.  This means we will not have seen half of Victoria and most of New South Wales (about another 18 months worth of travel, the way we do it).  We will then return for 3 or 4 month trips during the better weather times, on the assumption that Merry’s health returns to something like it used to be, and that Barry’s health doesn’t deteriorate.  It is slightly disappointing not completing the whole of the country, but it was originally only supposed to be a 2 to 3 year exercise, and we will be at the 5 year stage in September, plus we did some travelling around WA before we set out on the real trip in September 2008.  We started out from Ann and Ashley’s home near Perth with approximately 50,000 kilometres on the speedometer and we are currently 3000kms short of its 140,000kms service (90,000kms) and will be much closer to the 100,000kms by the time we get back to Geraldton.
31st July 2013
Merry managed to do the hour long walk again this morning and seems to be better than yesterday so we just might try another picnic day tomorrow to Trentham and the waterfall if the walk to the falls is as short as Barry vaguely recalls from the previous visit.  We are led to believe that there is a physical barrier stopping you going right down to the base, which was only a request at the viewing platform last time, and was ignored.

Saturday, July 13, 2013

27th June to 13th July 2013

27th June 2013
Not such a good day for Merry as she woke up with a rough throat again that didn’t improve throughout the day, but still managed her eating.
1st July 2013
Nothing of note happened over the last few days other than a walk in the local park behind the visitor centre and around the supermarket so that Merry continues with some exercise towards some more fitness.  Acquiring her previous level of fitness will take quite a while and will be very gradual.  Otherwise, she is still doing well and she actually managed her first steak last night and some toast this morning.  Tomorrow we have to travel into Melbourne to the hospital for a check-up with the specialist and the nutritionist, and will probably then be informed of the arrangements for the PET scan.
2nd July 2013
We drove into Melbourne without any hassles other than the fact that all of the 2 hour parking bays were taken up and had to use a 1 hour one.  This was closer to the hospital but meant the car had to be moved to fit in both appointments even if things are running on time. We arrived early so we took the canvas print and some returnable goodies down to the radiation therapy area first.  We then had a coffee in the cafĂ© before collecting the high protein liquid meals that Merry didn’t like, or use, and took them into the ‘C’ clinic to give to the nutritionist at the first appointment.  Barry returned to the car and moved it to a vacant 2 hour parking bay, and brought the other canvas print in for the second appointment with the specialist.  We then went up to the pharmacy and paid an outstanding bill before finding somewhere to have lunch.  This meant moving the car again as there were no suitable cafes within reach in the time left on the parking meter, so started in a homeward direction until we spotted somewhere to park and eat.  This done we headed to Taylor Lakes shopping centre and bought a nebuliser as it turns out that Merry needs one for at least another two months.  If we had known this we would have bought one three weeks ago instead of hiring one, but we can’t change that.  The outcome of the hospital appointments is that everybody is very pleased with Merry’s progress, and doesn’t need to see the nutritionist again.  She has been assured that the tiredness this length of time after the treatment is normal and will last for a long time yet so she can stop stressing about that.  Her vocal chords are still burnt and will take several months before sounding anything like they used to be, and will never sound exactly the same or as strong , but that will be a great outcome.  Currently the voice is whispery with the occasional sudden hoarse growl, a bit like a teenage boy whose voice is in the breaking process.   We have to see the specialist in 2 months time which will be just after the PET scan, the date of which has yet to be set and us informed.  Assuming everything is great after that we can think about travelling around in Victoria again, but being within easy reach of Melbourne for another check-up around February.  That means we will probably be somewhere like Bendigo at that time as we have some free V-line train tickets that we can use for that visit, or back here in Woodend with Steve and Terry, if they haven’t had enough of us.
4th July 2013
We took a drive up to Kyneton to use the closest Woolworths store to Woodend with the possibility of a stroll through the town but by the time we got there the weather had changed from not very good to downright miserable, with more of the same to come.
5th July 2013
We had some wind but nothing dramatic and a little rain, however, nothing like they said on TV yesterday, but the lower coastal part of the State copped a bashing.  We have arranged for our windscreen to be replaced next week after having some rust being cut out first.

6th July 2013
We went over to Macedon to visit Steve’s sister, Sue, for morning tea and to inspect her hot house.  The hot house is quite impressive but the weather didn’t show it off to best advantage but obviously will live up to its name with a bit of help.   Her ‘shedio’ (shed/studio) is also impressive although it is still a work in progress but will eventually offer many options including a bedroom/toilet with mezzanine storage.  In total the cottage, shedio, and hot house are a very nice unit.  In the afternoon we went to Sunbury where we were able to return Barry’s eReader to Aldi for a return of money as it had died and refused to recharge of do anything useful.  We continued on to Dick Smith’s where Merry bought a, 8.9 cm Kindle Fire HD so that Barry can now take over old 7cm version, now that the Aldi one has gone.
7th July 2013
Despite lousy weather we went to the Gisborne market with Steve and Terry and actually managed to pick a time when the rain didn’t affect us, and better still, resisted buying anything.  After we arrived back home the weather deteriorated some more so we had a day of leisure.
8th July 2013
This turned out be the coldest night we have experienced since arriving here.  When Barry went to the car to take it for the windscreen and rust removal, he had to use some warm water to clear the ice off the screen.  He then went to the shops first and the screen started to freeze over again whilst he was in the shop and had to drive around to the street behind the shopping centre to face the car into the sun to clear the screen.  In the afternoon Barry went to the guys property who is removing the rust to have a look at the damage, which is not as bad we had been led to believe and will only cost about $300.
9th July 2013
Another freezing night but at least no one had to get up early to deliver cars anywhere.    The frost and ice doesn’t start to thaw out at about 9.30am as it takes that long for the sun to rise above the tree tops which are way up Mt Macedon.  Our car will be ready for the new windscreen tomorrow (Wednesday) but the screen will not be fitted until Friday morning as the installers have to fit in a time to travel up from the Geelong area which is about a 1.5 hours drive, as we definitely aren’t driving there without a windscreen.
12th July 2013
We have done nothing for the last few days but should get our car back today which will allow a bit of mobility, but the lack of it has allowed us to watch the cricket test match.  We have been told today that the screen will be done by midday and can collect it at 3.00am.  Merry is still doing great although she has been getting headaches due to insufficient water intake (she claims) and her food intake has decreased now that she has come off the steroids.  Colleen rang yesterday to inform us that Abby was in hospital with appendicitis which she had obviously had for a while but hadn’t told anyone that she was in pain.  She didn’t want to miss out on her netball practice, or games, so she chose to put up with it.  Apparently they were gangrenous and about to burst when they finally took them out via keyhole surgery, and will stay in hospital for a couple of days.  There goes this weekend’s netball game for our little tough nut.  We arranged some flowers through Interflora for her but we suspect she would have preferred the money towards new netball shoes, or something similar.  Abby phoned us later in the day to let us know the flowers had arrived and loves them, and to let us know that she is fine.
13th July 2013
Merry still doing very well and took Foxy for quite a long walk (by her current standard) despite the drizzle.  We then drove down to Sunbury and returned the Kindle Fire HD to Dick Smith’s as it will only accept files Kindle files that are bought directly from Kindle (Amazon) so it will not recognise the 4500 books already on her original Kindle and a lot of audible books.  She now has a Samsung Tablet instead which in theory should cater for both