Wednesday, June 3, 2009

14 May to 2 June 09

Thursday 14th to Sunday 18th May

Other than shopping we didn’t do anything during this period because it rained most of the time. It was just a fine drizzly rain. I think the farmers are quite happy because this fine rain sinks into the ground. We have seen a lot of activity around the area. Some farmers are burning off last year’s stubble but most seem to be just seeding through the stubble. I suppose that makes sure you don’t lose the top soil in high winds. Saturday I went to see a doctor with a sore shoulder. He said unless I go back to Adelaide there is not much that can be done. So I will just live with it until it gets too bad to do that.

Monday 19th May

We took a drive back down the road towards Whyalla to take a look at Port Neil. This was basically to use some fuel to once again determine the gas/diesel ratio, which proved to be too high again. Port Neil had the usual jetty, anchor and war memorial gun but also had an arty type place that uses an electrolytic process to plate eucalyptus leaves with copper, much the same as chromium plating. Apparently they can apply this process to most organic matter, with examples of wheat and gum nuts. They are made into framed pictures which are quite effective, but ridiculously expensive, or as ear rings, brooches, etc.

Tuesday 20th May

Barry went to the doctor to check his throat but nothing of significance.

Wednesday 21st May

The car is back for yet another adjustment. Merry x-ray on shoulder.

Thursday 21st May

Merry doctor re x-ray, all okay, it just hurts.

Friday 22nd May

Took a few photos of the Town, the Flinders landing spot and the statue of Makybe Diva (winner of the Melbourne Cup in 2003, 2004 and 2005) on the foreshore.

This is a tricky operation as the theoretical best way to take the photo is with the ocean as a backdrop rather than in the other direction with shopfronts as back drop. The statue, like the original is very dark and tends to appear in silhouette with little detail, and worse still, it has a boat in the background which is the ugliest, scruffiest boat in SA and belongs to the Mayor.

He probably leaves it there out of jealousy because he owns the boat, not the horse, but after waiting three weeks we actually had the chance without the boat.

Saturday 23rd May

Bought 26 week lotto ticket (why do we have to wait that long to win) and usb keys to download audible books which we then sent to Terry and Steve.

Drove through to Mt Dutton and checked out some free or cheap camp sites for our next stop. Called in to Coffin Bay on the way back. Very picturesque area but no shopping centre.

Sunday 24th May

Showery but drove into town for some final photos and out to a rose garden which wasn’t really worth it as roses are not at their best at this time of year.

Monday 25th May

Bought a one Terrabyte USB hard drive to store our photos on. The cars gas system finally seems to be as close to right as we are likely to get it.

Tuesday 26th May

Packed up and took the caravan to a repair agent and had the brakes and bearings serviced. After lunch proceeded to Farm Beach slightly north of Coffin Bay and set up camp again in a $5 a night park with basic flushing toilet and cold showers. There is no outside lighting like a regular caravan park so once all of our lights are out you can’t see your hand in front of your face. Foxy will not jump from her bed onto our bed because even she can’t see, so she whimpers until I turn a torch on. The nights have become very cold.

Wednesday 27th May

Day of leisure, or we did nothing.

Thursday 28th May

Returned to Port Lincoln to check out an additional solar panel to add to our two existing ones as the second battery in the car is not handling the Engel fridge/freezer too well but didn’t buy one as we were informed that what we have is sufficient, but we did order a new battery as the original was nearly 4 years old. The solar panels have proved to be insufficient but as we run the generator most evenings to watch TV we should be able to manage.

Friday 29th May

Returned to Port Lincoln to have the battery fitted and bought new windscreen wiper blades.
Met Bill and Jenny who have just moved in as our only neighbours, apart from the local birds. A very friendly couple who have been using free camping sites since February and only spent 4 nights in a regular caravan park in all that time. We will be interested to see if we can do that as it will be a lot cheaper than the parks.

Saturday 30th May

Returned to Port Lincoln yet again to do a load of washing in the Laundromat and then would you believe, bought a fishing rod and tackle so that Merry can join the many who stand staring into the ocean dreaming of the many way to spend the lotto win that never comes their way (a bit like the fish). Went down to the beach with Bill and Jenny to watch the sunset. The camp ground is only a stone throw away from the beach but we hadn’t walked in that direction so we didn’t know it was there.

Sunday 31st May

We went down to the beach with Bill and Jenny for Merry to have her first lesson in rigging the line and casting. Merry, Bill and Jenny spent about two hours feeding the fish but the fish did not return the favour by jumping on to the hooks. Which only proves my point that fisher people do not actually catch fish they just talk about it. The exercise did help Merry, who can now cast more than slightly in front her feet.

Came back to the beach later for some more sunset photos.

Monday 1st June

We drove into coffin Bay to get a gas bottle filled for the caravan and bought some smaller hooks and bait ready for another fishing onslaught that didn’t exactly eventuate. Bill caught a sea bird with his first cast which we were able to free and then caught something slightly bigger than the bait he was using which had to be thrown back. Merry went through another load of bait with no success.

Tuesday 2nd June

We drove into Coffin Bay again to take photos and explore the area a little better. It is a really picturesque spot and ideal for anyone mad about fishing and boats.

In the afternoon we took Bill and Jenny on a 4 kilometre drive to another beach known as Gallipoli Beach as it is the spot used for making the film.

We were very lucky as there was a large pod of dolphins close in to the beach herding fish around whilst the youngsters played.

There was long descent to the beach, and if this beach represents the real beach in Gallipoli when you see the cliffs in front of you couldn’t help wandering why anyone would try to land and capture the area under fire. It was asking every soldier landing there to commit suicide, as was proven. In our stress free circumstance it was a lovely place.

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