Tuesday, August 11, 2009

7 August to 10 August 09

Friday 7 August 09

We left Peterborough fairly early so that we would get to Broken Hill at a good time. The trip was uneventful with no scenery that was worth a photo stop. We are moving back into arid country but there is still a little green around so there has been some rain. We arrived in Broken Hill around lunch time and went for a bit of a tour around the town to look at a couple of the caravan parks. The one that was suggested in the Camps 5 Australia book as a cheap one didn't look to good at all so we drove back to near the entry to Broken Hill to the Broken Hill Caravan Park. This is a big park with lots of facilities but very expensive so we wont be staying here long. We have booked for 2 nights.

In the afternoon we drove out to a site that is shown in Camps 5 as a camping spot with a $ sign which usually means that there is a small fee to pay. The camp spot was 25 kms from Broken Hill and turned out to cost more than plenty of caravan parks so we decided to give that a miss too. We drove around the little town of Silverton which was covered with art galleries. This area must be very popular with artists because there appears to be galleries on just about every street corner in Broken Hill and Silverton. We haven't worked out why yet. There is an old mine near Silverton which might be worth a tour if it is not too expensive. We didn't stop for photographs but I suppose we should have as I doubt whether we will go back to Silverton.

Back in Broken Hill we again checked out the other two caravan parks and discovered that the Lake View park was the cheapest so that is where we will go. In the evening we watched the cricket and for once it was worth watching so I recorded the second and third sessions.

Saturday 8 August 09

Apart from shopping in the morning we spent the rest of the day watching the cricket that I had recorded the night before, which we thoroughly enjoyed for a change. Sorry English and Antiguan family.

Sunday 9 August 09

We moved the caravan from one park to the other and set up the annex and again watched the cricket. We also did the washing.

Monday 10 August 09

Today we watched the little bit of cricket that we hadn't seen last night and I did a bit more washing. By mid morning the wind had got up and we had yet another dreadful sand storm. There will be no top soil left in the desert soon at this rate. My washing got covered in sand. Apart from a trip to Centrelink to drop off forms we stayed huddled in the caravan out of the wind. Barry had to do several trips around the annex putting the awning back in the antiflap bars and we also made sure that the annex was well and truly pegged down. Even still it sounded as if the whole lot was going to blow away and I was surprised that Barry did not suggest getting the annex down and putting the awning away. It survived the night but it was very noisy. Fortunately the wind wasn't as bad during the night as it had been during the day.

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