Thursday, July 28, 2011

18th July to 27th July 2011

18th July 2011
Today was a day of blood test results and ultrasound scans which involved a trip to Proserpine so Richard and the kids were left to their own imagination but the beach has proved popular in most cases.  The blood test results for both of us turned out okay and Barry’s scan results all proved okay, so we shouldn’t have any unexpected health dramas.
19th July 2011
We took Richard and the kids to Finch Hatton Gorge which took in the Cascade waterfall to which Barry accompanied them with Foxy who should not really have been there as it is in a National Park.

He then returned to the car with Foxy whilst the rest of the family walked on to the ‘Wheel of Fire’. Whilst here, Richard helped merry to get across to the other side to get a photo/video of the incoming waterfall and they all enjoyed this up until Jack brushed against a ‘Stinging Tree’ which immediately brought out some huge welts on his arm accompanied by severe pain.  After getting Merry back across the  pool at the 'Wheel of Fire', Richard, who also copped a dose helping Jack to get back past it, rushed Jack back to the car where Barry administered some cream in the hope of easing the pain..  Meanwhile Merry and Rory carried all of the bags back which involved getting them all across the river (the one that dumped Barry a few weeks ago).  Rory was the hero at this point by making several return trips for each bag and then helping Merry across. 
By the time everyone was back at the car the cream was easing the pain so we were able to go on to Broken River and as luck would have it the kids got to see the platypus immediately on arrival whilst Merry and Barry prepared the BBQ meal.  After the meal Richard took the kids for a short walk through the rain forest whilst Merry and Barry successfully checked out the Platypus for the third time. On the way home we called into the Proserpine Hospital and had both Richard and Jack checked out but other than supplying some pills to help them sleep there wasn’t anything they could do.  It is thought that the Aborigines would know what to rub on it to ease the pain but it doesn’t come in a bottle.  The stinging nettles in England usually have Dock leaves available in the same area to rub on the stings, and there is probably the same scenario applicable in this case but it doesn’t help if you don’t know what it is.  On arriving home Richard couldn’t find his camera and unfortunately it appears to have fallen out of the car unnoticed in the dark, whilst getting himself and Jack into the hospital.  We phoned the hospital, and police, in the hope that it had been handed in but we had no luck there.  They did manage to sleep alright and by morning things were looking much better, except for the loss of the camera.
20th July 2011
Barry and Richard drove back to the hospital in the hope of finding the camera at the roadside parking spot used the previous night but still had no luck
Richard and Jack were both still suffering from the effects of the sting but they were easing with each application of our cream 'Rapid Aid'.

Later in the afternoon the stings were much improved either by the cream of time,so we drove up to Hydeaway Bay and Dingo Beach for a look and let the kids run amuck for a while.  The kids went to bed early tonight in order to have an early start in the morning.

21st July 2011
We finally did the Three Island Cruise that had been put off several times because of the additional seaplane flight not happening because of maintenance problems.  The flight still didn’t happen because the spare part that comes from USA was lost in transit and had to be re-ordered and still hasn’t arrived.  Apparently the spare part is a mere door catch.  

However, the kids loved it and especially the snorkelling over the coral reef at Hook Island, although Rory didn’t exactly master it but made up for it by keeping the on-board professional photographer fully occupied with her posing.  The boat load had split into 2 groups for this island and after our group did the snorkelling we walked round to the jetty to do the semi-submersible glass bottomed boat trip that the other group had just finished.  This didn't really impress us as the view was very indistinct, and after snorkelling and seeing the real colours it left a lot to be desired.  It was also very crowded, and despite being asked to rotate to allow others the opportunity to share the experience, there is always an amazing number of ignorant individuals who suddenly don't understand the English language.  There is also always an elderly woman who has had a swim in a bottle of cheap perfume  that stinks the place out. 
However, on the bright side we did have a welcome visitor on the boat
We had lunch on-board on the way to Whitehaven beach on Whitsunday Island which is just a beach for interested parties to swim.   It claims pure white sand but the last cyclone supposedly washed tannins through the sand and discoloured it.  They obviously haven't seen the white sand of Esperance.  Barry stayed on board the boat whilst it was anchored off-shore once the beachgoers have disembarked.  This allowed him the opportunity to enjoy a leisurely after lunch glass of wine rather than sit on beach 1.5 hours.  
 There is nothing available on the island except trees and sand and Merry didn’t take any water with her so Richard entertained the crowd on beach, and boat, by successfully swimming out to get a her a bottle of water.

After boarding the boat, which involved the boarders getting wet bums wading through the water to get to the boarding ramp, we headed to Daydream Island where we were entertained feeding stingrays at the resort reef pool, and a walk across part of the island. 

We arrived home to an excited dog, although the neighbours had taken her for a couple of walks during the day and made a fuss over her at about 5.30pm.
22nd July 2011
Barry took Richard and the kids into Airlie Beach to collect the onboard photographers photos and CD and then took them to a shop to buy a couple of small, cheap fishing rods and then on to Conway Beach for a final climb on the rocks and run on the beach and then returned to the rock wall near the Airlie Beach Yatch Club for a couple of hours fishing as the tide came in.  There was a certain amount of success with some small fish surrendering themselves briefly in the knowledge that they were too small to be eaten.
23rd July 2011
Richard took the kids across to the local Shingley Beach and did a spot of fishing with them which was quite successful from the fun point-of view, but not much good for a fish breakfast.  After a real breakfast they packed all of their belongings and loaded the car ready to head for the airport and played cards until it was time to go.  The airport doesn’t have much in the way of facilities or parking and after a quick cuppa Richard and the kids went through to the boarding area and effectively ended their holiday, whilst we returned to the caravan park and packed up the tent, airbeds and sleeping bags, etc.  The evening was very quiet without the kids and will take a while to get used to them not being here.
27th July 2011
After lunch we drove out to Shute harbour which is the working harbour for supplying the few islands that are inhabited either with permanent residents or tourist resorts.  We drove around the harbour and then up onto the cliffs for an overview of the whole area and then drove out to the end of the point and took a walking track across to the beach on the other side. 

The walk provided some great views and took us through an area that was alive with butterflies and then out onto the beach, complete with crocodile warnings.  

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