Thursday, July 19, 2012

27th June to 17th July 2012

27th June 2012

We had another trip into Mackay to have our car battery (main starter battery) replaced as the old one is showing distinct signs of being on its last legs and is about 4.5 years old so we can’t complain.  We went to Mackay in order to replace it with the same model AC Delco battery in the hope that it serves us as well as the last one.  Whilst in Mackay we also acquired a Digiframe scanner to make scanning easier without having to retrieve our scanner/printer from under our bed.  We can save it to a USB flash drive until we need to get the printer out.  When the printer/scanner dies we will buy a much smaller printer only which will make life a lot easier for storage in the caravan.

30th June 2012

Barry assisted Mark and Jeane to unload a trailer full of pavers that they had been fortunate enough to get for nothing from someone they know in Salonika who simply wanted rid of them.

1st July 2012

Barry assisted Mark and Jeane to collect two more trailer loads of pavers and unload in their garden.  Mark did a rough count of one trailer load which amounted to 360 so we estimate that they must have collected in excess of 1080 plus an extra four rows on the last trailer load that amounted to 48 plus 280 in the back of the ute.  All together we loaded and unloaded at least 1408 pavers.  Barry could be presented with the design and locations of where to lay the pavers when we return there in the last week of September to look after the place whilst they are on leave in Adelaide.

2nd July 2012

We left Mark and Jeane’s place for the last time on this occasion and headed for Home Hill Comfort Stop where we stopped for 2 nights on our previous trip to the Atherton Tablelands. As we left we realised that the caravan brake’s control unit wasn’t working properly and was not seated in its cradle.   Barry re-seated the unit but it still didn’t register that the van was connected.  We decide to proceed cautiously and have an auto electrician check it out in Mackay  but were soon having to make a serious stopping event and nearly didn’t because the car brakes were trying to stop 5 tonnes instead of 2.5 tonnes with no help from the van brakes.  We pulled into a convenient parking area alongside a motel/bottle shop and Barry had another attempt at repair with some success.  It now operates the van brakes as designed but doesn’t indicate whether the caravan is connected or not.  The only people that could have messed with it are the Nissan mechanics in Mackay despite not having any reason to do so.  We have told them that we are not too pleased but haven’t had a reply yet.

3rd July 2012

We left Home Hill and crossed the Burdekin River via the Silver Link Bridge which is quite a spectacular bridge, and headed for Innisfail.  We parked up for the day at the rest stop on the junction of the Bruce Highway and the Palmerston Highway in the exact same spot as on our stop here last year.  On the recommendation of the woman in the Visitors Centre we drove out to Flying Fish Point to the cafe for fish and chips but we can’t recommend it to others. We also noticed that one caravan tyre was looking rather soft so Barry pumped it up with the under bonnet compressor in the hope that was all that was needed.

4th July 2012

We found the tyre completely flat this morning so Barry put the spare on and took the offending tyre into Innisfail where it was repaired and has now become our spare.  We then moved on to a Memorial Park free campsite 10kms north of Atherton and about 15kms from tomorrows destination Camping grounds at Granite Gorge near Mareeba where we will set up our van and the tent for Richard, Jack and Rory to join us again for their school holidays.  They fly into Cairns on Saturday which gives us a couple of days to sort everything out before they get here.

5th July 2012

We found that up here on the Atherton Tablelands is very cold with a biting wind so have decided to rearrange our original idea of staying at Granite Gorge and moved back down to Innisfail which is significantly warmer.  The pump that moves our water from the tanks to the taps has decided to play up so we now have to find somewhere for spare parts or replacement as required

6TH July 2012

Now that we are back in Innisfail it has chosen to rain which lives up to its nickname of Rain City but according to the weather reports it is raining everywhere along the coast.  After the rain stopped Barry removed the water pump and disassembled it to check the diaphragm and pressure switch but found nothing wrong, but at least he now knows how it works and what spares may be needed in the future.  He discovered that the water wasn’t getting to the pump because one air vent to the top of the tanks was blocked stopping air entering the tank.  If no air goes in then the water can’t come out but once he had cleared that everything worked okay.  It is unfortunate that the pump is mounted in a difficult access position under the bed.

7th July 2012 collect them

We set up the tent and beds in readiness for Richard and the kids and in the afternoon drove to Cairns airport to collect them.  It rained for the whole of the return journey and into the night.

8th July 2012

 It has rained all day and into the night again plus water is getting into the tent from below because of a puddle forming in the uneven concrete pad that we placed it on.

 9th July 2012

During a slight break in the constant drizzle we moved the tent to another complete pad behind our van which has solved the water problem and also placed a large over the centre section of the tent and extended out over the doorway to provide a dry-ish area for them to remove their shoes before tramping mud into the tent.

10th July 2012

We took a chance on the weather being slightly better elsewhere so packed a lunch and drove 146kms to Innot Hot Springs so that the kids could swim in warm water which kept them occupied for several hours.  On the way back we turned in to Millstream Falls and felt the volume of water going over the Falls was greater than when we last saw them after rain last year.  As we descended from the table lands past Millaa Millaa we were fortunate enough to have a Cassowary wander across the road ahead of us and wait long enough to have its photo taken.  It was the first time Richard and the kids had seen one in the wild, and our second time.  We heard on the news in the evening that Innisfail now holds the State record for the highest rainfall in July since records began with 145mm in the a 24 hour period.  That was achieved with rain all day followed by torrential rain all night.

11th July 2012

Last night continued the rain pattern although reduced, and is still raining today.

12th July 2012

The weather has cleared slightly which allowed Richard and the kids to go to the Innisfail Annual Show in the afternoon

13th July2012

We drove through to Granite Gorge where we were supposed to be camping with Richard and the kids and they were suitably impressed and payed to stay there for the final week of the holiday despite having already paid for that week in Innisfail.  It would be most unusual if they refund any of the money.  On the way back to Innisfail we drove through Lake Eacham National park in the hope of seeing some Musky Rat Kangaroos without success but the Lake was impressive and we did find a Red Bellied Black Snake, and we also called into the Curtain Fig Tree.  On arrival back in the camp we took the tent down whilst it was dry, in readiness for the move in 2 days time.

14th July 2012

Taking the tent down worked well as it is raining again today which inspired a couple of games of Tenpin Bowling and then made a start to pack up the campsite prior to tomorrow’s departure.  Much to our surprise the park owners did refund a sizeable amount of our payment covering the next week proving that some park owners are reasonable despite being business people.

15th July 2012

We finalised the packing and moved up to the tablelands with a stop at Malanda for Breakfast in the Dairy/Visitor centre and then at the Malanda Falls before heading for Granite Gorge near Mareeba.  By the time the camp was set up it was getting late so we drove the long way round into Mareeba for a meal but managed to find the short way back.

16th July 2012

We drove into Mareeba Visitor Centre to check out the Historical Walk that takes you through the coal mining period that ended with a gas explosion killing 74 people, and explained the building of Tinaroo Dam to form the Tinaroo Lake that we camped alongside when we were on the Tablelands last year.  It was built to irrigate the Tobacco industry that developed in the Mareeba area and now irrigates the sugar cane, mangoes and banana crops.  And also includes a small heritage village.

17th July 2012

We drove out to Karanda for the kids to see the Barron Falls which unfortunately was not in full flow because they had not received as much rainfall as Innisfail, but was still good and had a train pull in at the viewing station as we arrived.  We then took them to another lookout with a view to Cairns and the coast before moving into the Karanda towns to visit the Butterfly Park.  After lunch in the town’s central park, Richard and the kids went to the Bird Park whilst we wandered through the Heritage Market before driving to the Wildlife Park but it was decided that it was far too expensive for the benefit of feeding a few Wallabies and Roos which we can do at Granite Gorge on a daily basis for no cost.

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