Thursday, June 20, 2013

9th June to 19th June 2013

9th June 2013
Merry started well this morning with a poached egg and 2 slices of buttered bread.  Toast is too rough at the moment.  The skin on her neck hasn’t started to weep yet but is looking quite red and dry but not as bad as anticipated for this stage of the proceedings. Lunch was a good size tub of shepherd’s pie and vegies which actually followed an earlier Vitabrit and the lunch was followed by 8 squares of dark chocolate.  Dinner was another large serve of fish with rice and vegies followed by more stewed apple and custard.  Her eating has grown in both capacity and frequency so she is getting plenty of the required healing protein.
10th June 2013
Merry is still eating well and her neck is still not requiring the fancy dressing that we have for when it starts to weep and the skin to break down, so it just might not happen which might be due to the cream that she is applying regularly.  The red area on her throat is actually smaller in area than it was.   Barry cooked dinner for tonight under Merry’s guidance to give Steve and Terry a break and it obviously suited Merry as she ate a huge amount plus the usual easy to swallow stewed apple and custard.  This was after a good sized lunch and a banana between meals which gives the impression she is going to eat even if it is uncomfortable rather than drink the foul tasting high protein liquid food.
11th June 2013
Merry dived out of bed at 6.00am and got her own breakfast cereal to overcome her hunger so something is working.  Lunchtime she had a fair sized omelette and a large lamb shank dinner so her appetite is back to normal. However, the exterior of her throat is now dark red and could be getting to the stage were the skin starts cracking and weeping.  We have now started to use a different ointment and a fancy dressing supplied by the hospital nurse before we left the hospital in anticipation of this happening.  The different cream and the dressing seem to sooth the throat by keeping the air off it, much like any burn case.  Apart from that, all is going to plan.  We have cancelled the installation of the PEG as a waste of time and effort now that Merry is eating so well and the fact that it is almost past the worst of the problem before it would be installed.  Merry has had numerous abdominal operations and another one is something she can manage without, especially as it is no longer required.
12th June 2013
Merry’s hunger is still with us so she devoured a plate of scrambled egg mixed with bacon pieces and 2 slices of bread, toast is still too rough, although she ate it with the crust this time.  So that Steve and Terry aren’t left to do all of the cooking Barry is providing some of the meals, under supervision.  The weather is typically Woodend winter, cold with continuous drizzle, or rain, so Barry and Foxy have not been doing the morning walks and the prediction is for a continuation of rain for the next couple of days.  The skin on Merry’s throat is now gradually flaking off, similar to sunburn, which will probably happen for a few days until all of the red area has gone and regrown new skin.
 13th June 2013
The red area of Merry’s throat is still peeling but definitely shrinking.  Her appetite is still good and eating well with slightly more solid content.  As a point of interest, we haven’t watched TV for over 3 weeks now, and haven’t really missed it.
14th June 2013
We travelled to Taylors Lakes this morning to invade Officeworks to order two stretched canvas pictures from two of Merry’s photos to donate to the Peter MacCullen hospital, and also went into to Harvey Norman’s to buy a new PVR as our current one is not doing what it used to do.   Our old one degrades the incoming signal to the point that on many occasions it is not worth watching, or more to the point, recording.  The one we have just bought has to perform much better, or it will go back where it came from.   The time spent in the shops plus having lunch there and calling into Sunbury for some grocery shopping wore Merry out and was very glad to crash out once we arrived home
15th June 2013
We initially took Foxy for a short walk to the end of the road to get Merry used to exercise again.  The 5 weeks of radiation and the following few weeks have been very tiring for her so she hasn’t been active, which now needs to be overcome as she gradually improves.  The redness on her throat has both shrunk and lightened and looking much better.  The inside of her throat no long feels full of razor blades but is still slightly rough.  Talking is still very much a whisper but we expect that improve over the next few weeks.  Eating still requires soft food but generally is much easier which is good as her current appetite is putting a great demand on her eating ability.  After the walk we drove over to Riddell’s Creek to the Farmers’ Market see what that was all about and gained a few vegies before returning via Macedon.   The trip was actually an excuse to get Merry out of the caravan confinement for a while and create some extra exercise activity.  We called into an organic jam making establishment and bought some scones and jam to share with Steve and Terry when we arrived home.
16th June 2013
Basically just a day of rest other than the first 4kms walk that the weather has allowed Barry and Foxy to have, although it was quite cold despite a certain amount of sunshine that we haven’t seen for a while.
17th June 2013
Another day of rest and another walk for Foxy and Barry, and the weather more threatening. The red area on Merry’s neck is only about 4cm across the front compared to the halfway around each side, and not as wide from top to bottom, and looking really good and the food we have produced in soft form but high in protein and nutrition has proved to be doing the job, as she is healing well and gaining weight, much to her disgust.  Permanent tiredness despite sleeping quite well is the main problem.
18th June 2013
Merry’s neck only has about 2cms across of red area now and her voice is improving beyond a weak whisper, so it is likely to be fully cleared of red within the next few days and sounding more like Merry .  We drove down to Taylors Lake today to collect the stretched canvas pictures that we ordered plus going to Bunnings, BCF and Spotlight.  From there we moved in to the main shopping centre and had lunch followed by a romp around the supermarket.  This was more exercise than Merry actually had planned on, so we headed home and abandoned ideas of acquiring a new battery, or batteries that had been on the agenda for the caravan, until another day. We want to double up the battery power to ensure that there is sufficient to cover several nights of power for Merry’s sleep apnoea pump when we run it via our inverter on the occasional use of free camping sites when we eventually start moving again.
19th July 2013
Merry’s throat is now showing very little decolourisation compared to the rest of her neck but is still very slightly sore, but she is now leaving the dressing off.  The inside of her throat has returned to the razor blade feel as she also stopped using the Fentalyn patches that are designed to overcome background pain.  This proved to be stopping too soon and she has gone back to using them a bit longer.   Generally, she has pulled up quite well after yesterdays exhausting excursion.  We have now order two batteries on-line as that way we get identical batteries to the original one, with free freight, and will be $277 cheaper than two  of the ones we checked out yesterday at BCF.  From experience we now that the chosen brand of battery is good for 4 years as the original one is still hanging in but not good enough on it own for  more than one night using the apnoea pump.  Bearing in mind it also contends with the 12v TV, 12v PVR, water pump for the taps, toilet and shower, and lighting, although drainage by the lighting has been reduced dramatically by changing to LED globes.

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