Monday, September 9, 2013

18th August 2013 to 8th September 2013

18th August 2013
This was a really miserable day weatherwise that stopped us walking and even venturing outside for more than a very brief spell for shopping.
19th August 2013
The weather is slightly better allowing our walk but not much else.  Our walking habit probably doesn’t get our blog readers excited but it is helping Merry greatly.
21st August 2013
We used the train into Melbourne to go to the appropriate venue to cast our absentee votes for the upcoming federal election as we will not be back in Geraldton or Perth by the 7th September.  However, it is done and out of the way now and we needed to visit Melbourne for a Village cinema to use the tickets that Sue and Garon gave us before they raced off to their new WA jobs, which they are apparently enjoying.
24th August 2013
We drove down to Taylors Lake to visit the Spotlight store to buy the backing material for the quilt that Terry is making for us which the Bendigo store didn’t have, and also buy some more of the border material for Emma to use when we get back to Perth.  We managed to buy the backing material but only had the one option and they didn’t have any of the border material.  We then drove the 100kms up to Bendigo where we bought the original border material only to find that the remains of the one and only roll had been sold.   We bought some alternative material to make a third narrow border so that the main border can be narrowed to provide material for Emma to use on the matching pillow cases she is hoping to make for us.  However, when we got home we didn’t like the match up with the new material, so we may use some material that Terry has instead, or try and get away with the original border material and hope we have enough.  We now know why homemade patchwork quilts are so expensive.
25th August 2013
We took a drive with Steve and Terry to the Mt Macedon pub for lunch but the lunchtime meals were so big that we wouldn’t be able to manage dinner which was already cooking at home, so we settled for a drink with a bag of crisps.  Whilst there, we booked a table for five for Friday night.
26th August 2013
We cleaned and polished the car as our first move towards preparing to leave Woodend and head towards Perth, and because our car is parked under a tree that seems to be a congregation place for every bird with bowel problems so we have now covered the car with one of our tarpaulins.  We will start loading the roof rack and the back of the car tomorrow onwards, and clean the caravan on the weekend.
27th August 2013
Today required another early start for a drive to Sunbury for Merry to reluctantly visit a dentist for a filling of some description as a few pieces have broken off of a tooth and exposed the nerve.  This has given us an opportunity to visit a Coles Express garage to use a 30 cents/litre fuel docket to fill up prior to leaving on Tuesday.  We will be topping up the car’s main tank and sub tank which will be about 100lts plus two jerry cans for another 40lts which will save us a respectable amount off our fuel bill.  We have another of these dockets for use at a later date, preferably at Ceduna prior to crossing the Nullarbor as the price of fuel in the middle of nowhere escalates dramatically.  When we are completely loaded with 180lts of fuel, and subject to the direction of the wind, it should get us between 700kms to 900kms across the Nullarbor so that we only have to use one expensive fuel stop out there.  Unfortunately the wind is most often west to east which is going to be a head wind for us with the caravan, so here’s hoping it is light.  In the afternoon we walked into town to the post office for our daily walk which is a slight increase in the distance that Merry has been managing and all went well.  We have also packed up virtually everything so that we are ready to leave next Tuesday which now only leaves the caravan to be cleaned.
30th August 2013
The weather has turned foul again after a couple of decent days that actually included sunshine.  It didn’t exactly fool us but it did fool some plants into thinking it was spring and decide to open up their flowers.  It is now very blustery and damp so rather than walk into town; Barry walked round the shorter regular route with Steve and the dogs and managed to avoid the threatening rain.  In the evening we drove up to the Mt Macedon pub for the dinner which was our farewell treat for Steve, Terry and Sue (Steve’s sister), although a few days early.  The meals were large and excellent and we followed up with some lovely desserts, except Barry.  We then moved to Sue’s house in Macedon for coffee before heading home.
1st September 2013
We did some more preparations towards leaving for WA such as cleaning the outside of the van, filling water tanks, pumping up tyres, etc, and Barry replaced the bonnet support gas struts as the original ones tend to let the bonnet close on you.  These ones are slightly stronger than the originals.
2nd September 2013
We had a slight change of plans in as much as Merry went into Melbourne to the hospital for her PET scan, on her own rather than with Barry, who stayed at home to finish off the remaining household chores and bathing Foxy.
3rd September 2013
We left Steve and Terry’s at about 8.15am on the start of day one of the journey back to Perth which took us through Woodend for the final time, joined the Calder Highway and headed towards Bendigo.  We veered off left just before Bendigo on the Alternate Calder Highway towards Renmark and then towards Barmera but turned right before getting there towards Morgan.  The right turn kept us on the north side of the Murray River which avoided having a ferry crossing at one of several places.  We stopped just short of Morgan at about 5.45pm having travelled 666kms, at a free camping site a short way off the road, which being a ‘B’ road didn’t have a great deal of traffic so we had an undisturbed night.
4th September 2013
We woke naturally at 6.30am and were on our way on day two of our journey by 7.30am and heading for Port Augusta via Burra and Crystal Brook.  We arrived in Port Augusta at around mid-day and stopped at a Coles express garage to fill up the main and sub tanks which allowed us to use our second 30 cents/litre fuel docket off 102 litres.  We also bought some pies for lunch which we had just out off the other side of Port Augusta.  We proceeded along the Eyre highway past Iron Knob, Kimba, Wudinna, Poochera and free camped 45kms short of Ceduna, having travelled 728kms.
5th September 2013
Day three of the homeward journey was an even earlier start at 7.00am with a heavy overcast cloud that provided an almost constant sprinkle of rain for the whole of the South Australian leg through Ceduna.  We called into Ceduna and used the Coles express garage to use a regular 4 cent/litre off docket to fill up which should get us to the border of SA and WA.  When we got to Border Village we made the mistake of topping up the tanks again and then found that the fuel at Eucla about 10kms inside the WA state was 13 cents/litre cheaper.  However, on the bright side the Eyre Highway changed from a just-wide-enough bumpy road to a pleasantly wider, smoother road as we crossed the border and we drove out of the sprinkling of rain, although still heavily overcast.   Crossing into WA also came with a time zone change from 2.0am in SA to 12 noon in WA giving us longer daylight for longer driving but we did have an extra rest break at 4.00pm as well as 2.00am WA time, and it also was a no wind situation.  Where we stopped for the extra break was a good free camp area and probably should have stayed there for the night but choose to move on to the next free camp area near Cocklebiddy having travelled 764kms.  It is actually a better area but because of the cloud cover it was not as bright as normal for that time of day which had brought the Kangaroos out to feed.  We had already decided to ease back on the speed as this also meant that they didn’t know which side of the road had the best grass to feed on, when one choose to cross from nowhere diagonally in front of us.  If it had kept going it may have got away with it, but it tried to turn back when it was right in the middle of our side of the road and felt the 70km force of our Roo bar.  Having had the suspension raised and therefore being a high vehicle it pushed the roo down under the car and back left rear wheel and out the side so there was no damage to the Patrol, or caravan.  We can’t answer for the roo as we never saw it again as it wasn’t on the road behind us. 
6th September 2013
We started out earlier than yesterday at 6.30am with an almost clear sky plus what little breeze there was happened to be a tail wind.  This made the caravan the equivalent to a yatch with the spinnaker up which improved our fuel economy by 1km/litre.  That partly compensated for fuelling up at the most expensive fuel station on the Nullarbor and got us through to Norseman without having another fuel stop.  From Norseman we proceeded to our chosen free campsite 70kms north of Southern Cross arriving in bright daylight despite some cloud cover creeping in, and before the roos became active. 
7th September 2013
We started out a little later today and travelled slightly slower as it was raining for most of the way, sometimes quite heavily with lightening in the distance.  We stopped at Tammin where it was raining really hard and considered pulling off at a free camp site and stay there until the next day when the weather might be better for setting up the van at Colleen and Craig’s place without the rain.  We phoned ahead and were told the rain in Perth had cleared   so we continued to the Memorial Rose Garden at Meckering for our lunch break where it was still raining but put our trust in Craig.  We did eventually drive out of the rain as we got closer to Perth and then had to decide whether to follow the Navman direction our make our own way the remainder of the trip.  We followed the Navman directions which we were dubious about as they took us almost to Mundaring Weir but it turned out okay.  It was hilly which we would have to do one way or the other, and twisty but not too narrow.  It was actually better than many of the roads we travelled in Queensland and Tasmania.  We arrived at our destination at about 2.45pm and were able to set up in the dry.  However, the ground is a bit sloping so we will be making some modifications tomorrow as our shower water doesn’t empty completely.
8th September 2013
Barry re-arranged the levelling of the caravan in the morning and then we went with Colleen for a drive into the Swan Valley to a Coffee shop to buy some coffee for her coffee machine.  From there we had to take the very short mandatory drive to the Chocolate factory.  We did a lot of sampling but no buying as we still have a reasonable quantity of Aldi’s chocolate which we thought to be superior.  The Swan Valley has changed dramatically from our last drive through that area about ten years ago.  It was a series of wineries with open cellars but is now a series of wineries plus numerous tourist attractions such as coffee, chocolate, cafes, restaurants, and ice cream which we also had to visit.  It is now a family orientated affair rather than just wine tasting.   We collected Richard and brought him up to Colleen’s for the afternoon/evening which of cause included an excellent diner that was prepared and cooked by Emma with Merry’s supervision.

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