Having worked underground for six months in the copper mines in Zambia the film was less impressive for Barry but the overall effect was excellent. We where politely thrown out due to their closure time with the assurance that we could return for a free entry the next day.
Thursday 25th March 10
The weather has finally cleared and produced a warm sunny day so we took our long awaited walk to Hogarth Falls.
The weather has finally cleared and produced a warm sunny day so we took our long awaited walk to Hogarth Falls.
The Museum also includes the Gaity Theatre and the Freemasons Hall.
Friday 26th March 10
Surprise, surprise, the weather is wet and miserable again so nothing special happened unless having dinner in the Golf club attains that status. The actual meal itself didn’t, it was just a meal no washing up.
Saturday 27th March 10
This requires a drive out of Queenstown for 29 km then the second stage of the trip being a further 11km on a 4WD track with the final stage on foot. We discovered in town that this stage is a 1.5 hour walk each way, with a good chance of rain, so we reverted to plan B.
After lunch we drove to Tullah which is a tiny town on the edge of Rosebery Lake, and then drove around the top of the lake and headed to Zeehan via Reece Dam. The wasn’t a lot to see on this trip, which was recommended by someone we met when we stayed in Rosebery, but turned of for a look at the bottom of Bastyan Dam but was a little disappointed so continued on our way. We also stopped at a lookout which claimed a ‘feature’ that didn’t do a lot for us as it was a stone plinth with a direction plaque mounted on it indicating which mountain was which, and where the town were.
This was quite impressive with its hydro-electric power station built within the wall. We had a short tea break whilst we took in the view and then headed for home via Zeehan.
Whilst we were doing our trip, there was an attempt in Strahan to beat the British world record for the number of water skiers towed behind one boat, which we had forgotten about, but unfortunately a few fell over so once again they missed out by not beating 100 skiers over the required distance. They were to have another attempt in the evening but this was called off due to the surface chop being too bad.
Sunday 28th March 10
As this is being typed we could hear the loudspeaker and helicopters covering another attempt at the skier record. The boat that is used is the same boat that does the cruises up the Gordon River and I believe this is the seventh Aussie attempt at this record. Later in the day and were informed that the attempt was successful with 114 skiers being towed by one boat for 1 nautical mile. The skiers will have been n the water for ay least 30 minutes with a temperature below 10 degrees. In the evening we quietly celebrate our 46th wedding anniversary in a cliff top restaurant with views across the town and bay.
Monday 29th March 10
We took a short cliff top walk to the front of last night’s restaurant for the view of the bay and a coffee on the alfresco balcony, and allowed us to watch a seaplane take off.
Sunday 28th March 10
As this is being typed we could hear the loudspeaker and helicopters covering another attempt at the skier record. The boat that is used is the same boat that does the cruises up the Gordon River and I believe this is the seventh Aussie attempt at this record. Later in the day and were informed that the attempt was successful with 114 skiers being towed by one boat for 1 nautical mile. The skiers will have been n the water for ay least 30 minutes with a temperature below 10 degrees. In the evening we quietly celebrate our 46th wedding anniversary in a cliff top restaurant with views across the town and bay.
Monday 29th March 10
Tuesday 30th March 10
This was a day of household chores so we won’t bore you with the details.
Wednesday 31st March 10
The weather was fair so we drove through to Queenstown and on to Trent Bridge, about 135 km, which meant driving up the zigzag road again past ‘Mad Meg’ who wasn’t looking so good now that the rain has eased off for a few days.
This was a day of household chores so we won’t bore you with the details.
Wednesday 31st March 10
The weather was fair so we drove through to Queenstown and on to Trent Bridge, about 135 km, which meant driving up the zigzag road again past ‘Mad Meg’ who wasn’t looking so good now that the rain has eased off for a few days.
Not huge at only 35 metres high, not so much water that you can only see water and not so wide that you need to swivel your head from side to side to take it all in.
Spending the day here would have been easy but we pressed on to visit the much advertised Lake St Claire with a quick stop at a layby to watch a helicopter deliver some goodies.
We had our usual picnic lunch in the pleasant surrounds of the car park and then took a 1.5 hour walk which only provided glimpses of the lake but took in a platypus ‘Hide’, but we didn’t linger long at this point as they don’t usually emerge until dusk. We took the alternate route back along the lake beach to the jetty were we caught the boat for a 2 hour cruise on the lake. The cruise was on a small twin hulled, twin engine tinny and unlike other cruises didn’t supply cake, tea, coffee, etc, much to the dismay of one passenger who ha just finished a 5 hour walk and was looking forward to something to eat.
This area was quite fascinating with an original overland hut and interesting ecosystem.
We then proceeded to a small jetty at the extreme end of the lake to pick up some hikers from Dove Lake, a 5-6 day walk. It is actually 17 km from the official end of the track but some chose to take the easy way out and save another days walk.
We can’t actually recommend visiting Lake St Claire based on what we saw unless you want to do the overland track from that end first which is not the recommended way, but we can recommend the Nelson’s Falls.
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