We had an effortless move 30kms or so down the road back to Seven Mile Beach and had the annexe set up by 12.30pm. Later in the afternoon we took Foxy for a walk along the beach until we were almost level with the end of the airport runway and watched several military aircraft fly in over the water and land. We haven’t been able to identify them as a particular model, other than very big. They appeared to be on a training exercise as they also took off again and did more laps and land/take-off several times, which gave the impression that the military had at least a dozen of these aircraft rather than three, maybe four. There were also Qantas and Virgin Blue planes landing in between some of the military planes causing them to do a slightly wider lap.
28th October 10
Merry flew to Sydney to meet up with her sister Jackie and her son Andrew for a few days sightseeing. The last time she saw Jackie was at our younger son’s wedding 15 years ago, maybe more, and the last time we saw Andrew was in 1985.
29th October
Merry, Jackie and Andrew toured the Sydney Opera house as a group of 3 rather than a large group because of Jackie being in a wheelchair. They gained the benefit of seeing every auditorium including backstage, and were unofficially allowed to take photographs. Unfortunately Merry’s camera decided to throw a fit and didn't do very well out of it and it eventually died, so we will borrow some photos from Andrew.
31st October 10
I visited Stu and Be for dinner which meant one day I didn’t have to cook my own dinner with Merry still being away in Sydney. However, the meal was a bonus add-on to the company.
1st November 10
2nd November 10
Merry arrived back home in the afternoon so life has changed for the better and Foxy is much more relaxed.
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