28th June 2011
Mark drove to Mackay and collected the car parts which we fitted in the afternoon and finally, successfully completed the task. Whilst we have been here Merry has made new covers for our caravan seats to replace the white ones she made whilst we were in Hobart, to protect the seats from dirty dog paws and messy eaters. The white ones were not the ideal colour but the material had been given to us by the owner of the house that we were looking after. The new ones are a darker colour and look quite professional.
30th June 2011
We drove through the Mackay town and on to the Marina/marina village which at first appearances looks like, and probably is a rich kids’ playground with its high rise apartments lining the edge of the marina overlooking millions of dollars worth of yachts. However, there are numerous apartments for sale and we were later informed that there is a high crime rate in the area. When we got back to Mark and Jeane’s we had a final drink farewell drink with them as we leave tomorrow morning. Like us, Foxy has had a great time here as there is so much room to move around and places to explore and loves going down the 100 metre driveway with Jeane to check the mail box because she invariably comes back via a different way along one of many tracks she has made through the bush.
1st July 2011
We departed from the peace and quiet of Mark and Jeane’s and made our way to Airlie Beach with one stop for lunch and arrived at about 2.00pm but then took us an age to juggle the van to a position in the allocated area that was level enough for the annex to reach the ground to be pegged down on all sides so that Foxy cannot escape if she is left in the annex whilst we go out. We have yet to understand why caravan parks are not levelled before they set out the bays. We could move to another area as this spot had been reserved for us so that we could also put up our tent for Richard, our younger son, and his kids Jack and Rory can stay with us for the school holidays.
3rd July 2011
This started out as a rainy day but cleared in the afternoon so we drove through the actual town Airlie and on to Port Mandalay, but it was a dead end road although there was an area where it was possible to launch a boat.
4th July 2011
Despite the original struggle to get the van in to a vaguely acceptable position, we pulled everything apart this afternoon and moved the van forward to the block in front of us as the previous occupants had left in morning. This now gives us a level block with a concrete pad that the annex fits over perfectly and plenty of room behind us for the tent to fit when the relatives arrive.
5th July 2011
We took a walk from the park and crossed road to the waterside path that heads into Airlie Beach shopping area and lagoon, but due to having a dog we can’t walk that far before the ‘No Dogs’ bit starts. We walked with Foxy through this prohibited area a couple of days ago because the town map implies it is a dog-on-lead path, but we noticed the signs on the way back that we hadn’t notice before with a $1500 fine attached.
We walked a reasonable distance taking in Abel Point Marina before turning round and managed to photograph a few birds to add to our bird file.
8th July 2011
We spent the afternoon erecting the tent and preparing it inside for Richard, Rory and Jack’s arrival
9th July 2011
We drove to Proserpine airport to collect Richard, Rory and Jack settled them into their new surroundings along with some shopping to ensure we had their preferences satisfied. The three of them appear to really happy to be in each others’ company again. The airport is undergoing renovations which has created parking problems and has very limited seating for people waiting for plane arrivals, which definitely needs attention in many other areas when you consider the numbers using the facility. The kids had a swim in the park pool for a quick half hour as it seemed cold for them even though they had come up from Canberra.
10th July 2011
We all went into Airlie Beach for the kids to swim in the lagoon, which lasted a bit longer this time because their dad and Merry went in with them. That was followed by a walk through town to the other end and back along the beach front. When we got home the kids unpacked the presents Rick had bought them, which where radio controlled helicopters, and went out to the vacant area of the caravan pack to become experienced pilots.
11th July 2011
We all drove into Proserpine to see what it had to offer and came away disappointed, including the bought lunch, so on the way we turned off to Conway Beach.
12th July 2011
The wind has got up today so the temporary postponement of the cruise and flight may be a blessing.
There was no BBQ facility there so we continued on to Conway Beach again to use the BBQ facility there and enjoyed the company of several Blue-faced Honeyeaters whilst we ate. After lunch the kids collected several coconuts from the palm trees along the beach front and then went for another clamber on the rocks until Jack head butted a tree and called it quits for the day. Whilst we were out we received a phone call from the Three Island Cruise people to put us off for another day until Thursday. We later discovered that the weather was deteriorating for Thursday and the next four days so rang them back and changed the arrangement to Tuesday as the forecast was good for then.
13th July 2011
Barry took Rick and the kids out to the local nursery that also has a mini golf course, which the kids love, but this one was a bit ordinary but kept them happy for a while. When we got back to the park Rick took them for a walk through the town and bought them a Badminton racquet set, and lunch whilst they were out and about.
14th July 2011
After lunch the kids and Richard walked out the sea as the tide was out yet again, but not as far as Conway beach.
15th July 2011
Click on the location below for more information on the area.
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