21st April 2012
Finally we have started doing some of the
tourist things with a trip to Haig Street Quarry Bushland where we were able to
take a 2km walk with Foxy around an old disused quarry. This was open bushland rather than rainforest
with a large pond in what was the deepest part of the quarry pit. At highest point of the track was lookout
over the quarry with a distant view of the ‘Scenic Rim’ volcanic outcrop, which
is basically the border with NSW, with the more distant Great Dividing Range
behind them.
25th April 2012

We celebrated Anzac Day with an hour long
walk around Springfield Lake Park which appears to be a man-made lake on a
water course with a rather expensive housing estate built around it. A short part of the walk involved walking
through some of the estate roads but most was either through bushland alongside
the water course or around the lake itself.
There was also a fair sized shopping centre across the road. The Amberley RAAF base had an open day but we
didn’t go to it as you’re not allowed to take photographs so there wasn’t much
point. However, they did have one F18
doing numerous flyovers although it was quite high and still didn’t allow
really clear shots of the plane due to the speed, but we did improve on what we
had already achieved.
28th April 2012
We had intended catching a bus and train
into Brisbane and South Bank yesterday to see how much has been done with the
rebuilding after their floods last year.
What we saw when we there late in the year was very impressive, however,
the weather turn to wet and cold and not ideal for standing around at bus stops
and train stations and walking along South Bank was not a good option. The weather is currently worse in Brisbane
than it is in Ipswich and is predicted to be much the same for the rest of the
week so that trip and others might not happen.
30th April 2012
The weather was reasonable once more so we
drove into Ipswich with the intention of checking out the heritage buildings
but Merry was given a medical appointment in the middle of the afternoon which
interfered with the arrangement so we only got to pay a visit to Limestone
monument opposite Queens Park. This
provided a good view out over the town before revisiting the Visitor Centre for
more information. Merry then attended
her appointment which left little time for more site seeing, but we drove out
to the small township of Rosewood to check on the car parking facility at the
railway station as we feel that would be a better option for catching the train
into Brisbane rather than using several buses just to get to the train station
in Ipswich. We don’t want to leave the
car parked all day at the Ipswich Park and Ride area as we are led to believe
it has a slightly bad reputation.
6th May 2012

We now have cold nights and pleasant days
so we went into Ipswich and took advantage of free Sunday parking to allow us
to walk around the town to check the Heritage buildings and also drive around to check on the highlighted, and impressive
Queenslander houses. With having to
drive to various locations to view the houses and a couple of moves in town it
all took about four hours, and gave us a reasonable walk.
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