Tuesday, January 29, 2013

11th January to 29th January 2013

I1th January 2013
We left the showgrounds and helicopters and moved into Queanbeyan Riverside Caravan Park which has some level sites overlooking the river complete with pads.  Unfortunately we are on one of the others in the centre of the park that are very uneven dirt sites without pads, so we are hoping it doesn’t rain, which is not what the firefighters want.  The weather report is for a couple of cooler days then more heat wave and windy conditions which definitely doesn’t please the  fire fighters.
12th December 2013
We now have the dates for Richard’s next visit on the 19th and have booked the site immediately behind us to retain the family group.
15th January 2013
We drove into Canberra and parked outside the American Embassy and strolled around the area to check out some of the other Embassies.  They are spread over a huge area which requires moving the car to other parking areas and walking around the streets close to the car. 
In several cases we saw Commissions, rather than Embassies, subject to the country involved. As you would expect, America has an area six times bigger than anyone else, with the buildings almost completely hidden, whereas the interesting ones are all on view.  This took care of the afternoon and we probably didn’t see half of the total embassies, so we may have another trip later after acquiring a map highlighting where they all are.
17th January 2013
This was forecast as being a hot day so rather than going to the Botanic Gardens we took advantage of the air conditioning at Parliament House.  We have been there before in 2002 but a second look never hurt anyone and we did get to see more this time.  We toured both old and new buildings and checked out the gardens of the old building, which we didn’t do last time. 
The only drawback with the visit is the 3 hour parking limit, meaning you have to return to the car and move it after 3 hours, even when there aren’t many vehicles in the car park. We were in both buildings for more than 3 hours each plus there is a fairly long walk between the two.  The views from the roof are worth taking in whilst you are there.  There is a small entry fee to the old building which is now the Museum of Democracy.
18th January 2013
This was predicted to be another hot day, so other than a quick shopping trip we stayed at home in the air conditioning, although the air conditioner did struggle a bit.  The temperature turned out to be much higher than predicted, giving Sydney a new record high of 46.8 degrees. Here in Queanbeyan, we only reached 46 degrees, which is what we used to be used to in the north west of WA for many years, but the aging progress makes hot weather less tolerable.  
19th January 2013
We pitched the tent in the site behind our caravan in the morning in readiness for Richard’s arrival. The ground is so hard here that we had to buy a long 6.5mm drill to drill holes in the ground prior to knocking the tent pegs in, and it was still hard work and bent a lot of pegs.  It also systematically destroyed the drill.  Richard arrived at 3.15pm and on arrival at the park finished off the last few details to turn the tent into his temporary home.  
21st January 2013
We collected the grandkids after a very roundabout route provided by the Navman which did literally find as many roundabouts as possible, and then continued on to the suburb of Woden to a medical clinic for Richard  to undergo a drug test  requirement for his next contacting job.  The kids and Richard spent the rest of the day at the swimming pool, the skate board park and a walk through town, etc.
22nd  January 2013
We drove into Canberra to a Pancake Parlour for a Pancake breakfast to celebrate Richard’s Birthday. Unfortunately Jack was not feeling 100% and couldn’t finish eating his huge meal, which is somewhat unusual for Jack who is now a almost 6fft tall and similar shape to a broom handle.   As he was not in perfect shape we changed our minds about going swimming/walking at Coota in the extreme heat and went to Belconnen instead to the Hoyt’s cinema and suffered ‘The Hobbit’.   As yet, the point of the film hasn’t emerged other to slash and bash their way around the New Zealand countryside.  The later part and the special effects where good, and as luck would have it (for some people) it ended with obvious intentions of a sequel to continue the pointless journey.
23rd January 2013
The day started out with a drive through Canberra, everywhere we go seems to be via the centre of Canberra, to the Cotter Dam where we checked out the swimming possibilities ay Casuarina Sands and where not initially impressed.  We drove on to the Cotter Dam picnic area which offered even less opportunity options nut a pleasant place to have our picnic lunch.  We walked up to the lookout that only provided a view of the concrete wall which is being modified to a greater height.  We drove back to Casuarina Sands and made the most of it.  This lasted for about an hour or so before Aboriginals that think they have the right to ignore the ‘No dogs’ signs  don’t apply to them.  We pointed out this slight error and then underwent about half an hour of foulmouthed inane racist ravings, which of course is acceptable when directed at white people.  When Richard and the kids returned from their swim we departed homeward via another Navman tour of Canberra to go to the Black Mountain Telstra Tower for the view over the City.  When we finally arrived home Richard discovered that he had damaged his laptop screen when he carried it out of the caravan in the morning.  It was still open with a program running but had the power pack sitting on top of it and the carrying partially closed the screen onto the power pack which cracked the screen.  Not a particularly good day other than the picnic and the view from the Telstra tower, although Richard and the kids enjoyed their swim.
24th January 2013
After numerous phone calls to computer repair specialists it was determined that there was no quick fix for Richards computer screen as there wasn’t one available to replace it with.  We drove out to Fyshwick and bought a new one and he will get the other one repaired in Perth when he gets back there.  The new one, although only six months younger, has much more to offer in the way of hard drive and RAM capacity, and was $1000 cheaper.  The other semi planned activities for the day were put on hold until tomorrow so that Richard can load his required programs, etc, after the kids spent some time in the local swimming pool.
25th January 2013
In order to have another swim we drove Richard and the kids out to Kambah Pool, but to the so-called beach area this time where they were able to swim in the Murrumbidgee River.  We drove round to the rock pool area after the swim and had a primitive BBQ lunch and then left the others to explore the rock pools which didn’t last too long as it was full of people fishing.
26th January 2013
We initially drove through Canberra to a mini-golf course that is no longer in existence but found someone who knew where another one does exist, although apparently only for another week,  we dropped Richard and the kids off and visited the Royal Mint and then went to Redhill Lookout, Mount Ainslie Lookout and Mount Pleasant Lookout before heading home.  The others met up with one of the campers from Mystery Beach and walked round some of Lake Burly Griffin, and still happened to be out there in the open when the predicted storm hit town.  Karen took them back to her place and came up with some loan clothing.  They had Pizza for dinner and arrived home whilst it was still raining at about 10.00pm, courtesy of Karen.   The river that the caravan park is alongside, had been allowing a dribble of water to pass over the town weir which is beside the park, but as it started to get dark and after an hour, or so, of rain it was allowing a torrent of water to pass over it.   Being a sloping park we also had a river running through the annex once more.  The countryside looked quite dry from the lookouts when were up there but will have to go again to see the difference that the rain makes.  More is forecast for the next few days.
27th January 2013
We took Jack and Rory home this morning as they are due to start school soon and then drove on to Belconnen shopping centre to drop Richard off again to meet up with his new found friend.  We stopped at the shopping centre for a coffee and met Karen who actually seemed rather nice and a vast improvement on anyone he has introduced to us before.  He may have finally learnt how to avoid lame ducks, so we are hoping that the several thousand kilometres that will separate them when Richard returns to WA doesn’t affect the relationship, assuming a relationship is developing. 
28th January 2013
We managed to take the tent down without rain although it thought about but despite being packed up we will get it out again when we get a good opportunity to make sure.  The tarps that were under the tent still need cleaning and drying, which may happen soon if the weather improves.   Karen came over and went out with Richard for a few hours and returned him in time to take him to the airport.  His flight was booked as a straight through flight to Perth which turned out to be great as he usually has to go to Sydney first.  Sydney airport was reduced to one runway due to diabolical weather conditions with many flights cancelled.  He was due to catch another plane in Perth to the Northwest tomorrow morning so he should have avoided any problems.
29th January 2013
It rained through most of the night but not hard and appears to want to continue today, or at least threaten it, so there will not be much activity today.

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