Wednesday, May 29, 2013

22nd to 28th May 2013

22nd May 2013

Today Barry braved the Melbourne rush hour traffic to get Merry to her 9.30am appointment at the hospital.  As luck would have it, there was a vacant 1 hour parking lot right outside the hospital which was much appreciated and only cost $2.40 for the hour which turned out to be more than adequate.  The alternative had been to use the hospital parking but you can only use it on a day basis for $11 dollars plus when we got there it only had 1.9 metre clearance which would have removed our roof rack Being an early appointment there hadn’t been time for them to get behind their schedule so Merry actually had her treatment and was on the way of the hospital by the time she should have been starting it. On the way there we spotted an area where Barry may be able to park for 2 hours that is a relatively short walk from the hospital.
23rd May 2013
The afternoon parking was also quite fortunate but due to seeing the nurse and doctor as well as the treatment Barry had to move from one 1 hour parking bay to another, but in this case only meant reversing into the bay behind him.  Today was an even earlier appointment and Barry was able to use a 2 hour bay which still had some time left on it so only had to pay $1.20 to top it up.  Being early meant the treatment happened straight away and allowed time to have a blood test sample taken by the vampire department.  Even allowing for this, we were back at the car very quickly and probably didn’t need to have put anything in the meter, but you never know in advance.   Merry actually had a pretty rough day yesterday as eating and drinking is getting more difficult and in the afternoon became nauseas, developed a bad headache plus leg cramps.  It was this that instigated the blood tests but she has since discovered that she feels a lot better if she stays off the morphine, so the blood test may not prove anything but we shall see.   The afternoon treatment took a while as they were running late again so Barry had to juggle parking bays.
24th May 2013
Today shouldn’t have been a problem as we arrived early and Merry received the treatment early but had to see the doctor and nutritionist.  The doctor turned up early and checked Merry’s throat which apparently is looking good, however, it was suggested that a gastro nasal tube be installed to assist with eating and drinking, as swallowing is becoming very difficult and painful.  She then saw the nutritionist for a while and in theory that was it for the day except now she has to go back downstairs and have the tube installed which then meant having an X-ray to check that the tube is positioned correctly.  Meanwhile Barry returns to move the car which has now got a $70 parking fine attached to it because Melbourne can’t, or won’t provide adequate parking within the area.   Barry moved to a 1 hour bay expecting Merry to emerge soon, but that didn’t happen as she had to wait for the nutritionist again to have a bag of food drained into her, so Barry had to move the car once more before Merry finally returned to go home for a short break before returning for the second treatment session.  This time we found a closer cheaper parking bay which is not usually available as other people get there earlier than us.
25th May 2013
Being the weekend Merry doesn’t have to present herself for treatment so we can relax in the knowledge that we now have to order and therefore buy the nutritional packs and gravity bags so that she can maintain her weigh, and eat in some form of comfort.  If we were Victorians this would be freely given to us, but being West Australians we have to buy our own.  Paying into the so-called National Medicare scheme for years means nothing because when you need treatment etc it suddenly becomes State based, and having not lived in WA for the last six months we get nothing from them but we are expected to go out of our way to vote in their mandatory elections, or face a fine.  We haven’t been in Victoria for six months either but it probably wouldn’t help if we had, as we aren’t on a Victorian electoral role.  In many ways the health system is as archaic as the original Victorian age.  On the brighter side, the nursing staff and Merry’s specialist are absolutely great.
27th   May 2013
We had a very clear run through to the hospital as it was after the mad rush that is usually absolute bedlam, and makes you wonder what it would be like if some dramatic event took place.  There would be more people killed in the panic on the roads than from the actual event   We found a 2 hour parking reasonably close but the hospital was running on time and we could have got away with a 1 hour bay which would have been closer still and would have been of benefit to Merry who is now struggling to walk any distance beyond 20 metres.  Future visits will involve dropping her off at the door and then find a parking bay.
28th May 2013
Today was another early appointment that meant battling with the rush hour traffic again but we usually allow extra time to allow for it.  However, the twelve 1 hour parking bays opposite the hospital entrance had been roped off for some sort of major maintenance but we did manage to grab one beside the hospital.  The treatment was over quickly but Merry had to also see the nurse which took a long time so the car had to be moved.  After that session she then had to get some prescriptions made up and are told it will take an hour.  After waiting as long as possible Barry went off to move the car again but as there were none available to move to simply decided to slowly circumnavigate the block a few times.  Fortunately Merry called him on the phone just before finishing the first lap and was able to pick her up and head home.  The afternoon appointment gave us the opportunity to use the same parking area and we got away with only one 1hour session by a few minutes.  We noticed that the work across the road from the entrance amounted to half a dozen star pickets being driven into the ground and tape attached to keep traffic out.  Not bad for a day’s work, Barry wants a job like that.  Overall, today was a much better day for Merry who was feeling a lot better.

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